Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Orphanage Day and Sight Seeing in Wuhan

At 8:40 this morning we drove off from the hotel to visit the Wuhan Orphanage for the first time and Amy was not interested in returning there at all. We were surprised. She told Zoey, our guide, I want to stay with mama and baba. We drove (again risking life and limb of ourselves and others) 30 minutes to this ChildWelfare House - housing 500 primarily special needs children. It was a very large compound and gated and clean but not - I don't know how to explain that - but it was just a mix of clean and not. What was very impressive was the size, the kindness of all the caregivers, who clearly love children, and the resources available to care for the kids - many of which were donated by Westerners in particular. We were able to witness the incredible benefit of the Half the Sky Foundation in the infant room where the foundation funding one caregiver per baby so as to "educate the baby on what a mother is like." It was clear that the directors, caregivers and teachers loved Amy AND it was clear she was ready to leave - she did not want to go into the class to say good bye to her classmates until I went in and sat down. The other children were so happy to see her and yelled out her name as soon as they could see her. One little girl in the class motioned for me to pick her up and gave me a big hug and wanted to give Zoey a hug too. She said in Chinese "I want a mom too" - okay if that doesn't shatter a heart, what will? We asked what the orphanage needed currently and Dr. Chen said a camera so we agreed to help with that - they were so kind, thankful, and sad to see Amy go.

Then on our way out... we met Jenna - a 16 year old girl from Boston who was adopted from this orphanage when she was 4 months. She saved her own money from babysitting to come volunteer for two weeks at this orphanage! She has been helping in Amy's class and said that Amy loves to draw - when Jenna read stories to the children - Amy would go to the table and draw through the whole story.

WOW - what an experience.

After that we went to a rock/stone/gem museum and a Buddhist Temple - both very interesting but Amy was beat so they were short visits and now she is going through all her books and little flash cards on her bed - "nap time" she is a sponge and can't get enough!

P.S. Spencer is in foster care so no pictures could be taken but they gave us four pictures of him which we will send to you. He DID get the care package that the Frasers brought. And Joan, we told him your son was doing great and he was thrilled.


Cheryl said...

What an amazing interesting and blessed time you are having. I am so glad that you guys are blogging all of this for everyone. It is quite fun to get to share this with you guys through the blog and prayer. Love you.

Unknown said...

Wow. It's Wed am and you have two more blogs posted so now I feel behind! My heart is wrenched with each reading--so much happening! I can't imagine what Amy is experiencing and feeling, as well as the both of you and how much it must take for you both to anticipate her needs and emotions and nuture her...and being at such a disadvantage (if that's even the right word) in a foreign culture, out of your element, emotionally and physically exhausted, etc. You both sound like the Spirit of God is upon you and you are handling this with such beauty though!! When I was reading your blogs I was thinking of the verses.. The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon you.. to bind up the broken hearted..release the prisoners...bring freedom to the captives..that is just what you have done for Amy! You are the perfect parents for her and I am so excited for you both! I am in awe of this whole process and wish we could talk!! I will pray for you today. Love and miss you both so much!!


Unknown said...

Our love and prayers are with you--the best news was that dear Amy really is ready to leave her "old life" and begin being an EVERETT child...I imagine it must have been heart wrenching to see the center with disabled children...you are so wonderful to share the details of this portion of your journey..we love you and just can't wait to see you!!! and meet your little artist, Amy...MOM & DAD