Monday, July 14, 2008

Gotcha Day!

We met Zoe at 9am in the hotel lobby. It was time to go meet Amy for the first time. Could this be happening so soon? We just got here. Were we ready? We jumped into the van and off we went. In less than one hour we would see her for the first time. If we could get there without getting into a auto/pedestrian or auto/auto or auto/scooter or auto/bicycle accident. The roads here are amazing and the drivers even better or do I mean worse. Everyone is going every which way but no one getting into an accident. Amazing. Anyways, I digress.

We arrived at the provincial office in one piece and were early. Yes I said we were early. We went into a large board room with a long conference table like I would imagine at the White House for a cabinet meeting. We sat down in chairs off to the side of the big table to wait as we were early! Within a few minutes 5 other couples with guides came and before we could even make introductions with these families the children were brought in.

We saw Amy right away. She was the first to come in. She was wearing a pink dress holding a red bag with snacks and the things we had sent to her in our care packages. We made eye contact and could tell she knew who we were. Then there were voices...pointing ...she was moving toward us...then in front of us, and there I was watching Amy hug Teri!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was no crying or forcing things. She was on Teri's lap going through her bag, looking at everything as she pulled it out and then put things back in. The magnadoodle was a hit. Immediately, she was drawing what was obviously a house and then something that looked ilke snow. We realized she was drawing the picture of our house covered in snow that we sent with the care package. I asked Zoe to ask Amy if I could hug her. She nodded yes and there I was hugging my new daughter. Then I started with the camera.

We met with the orphanage director who answered some questions before he had to meet with other families. He was wonderful and seemed so warm. He said Amy, Wu Kang Qi, had only been in the orphanage and it was obvious that there was a connection of love and concern for her. They gave us a photo album with pictures of Amy over the last few years and pictures of the 16 kids in her "class", some of whom have been adopted and some not. We asked her to point to her "best friend". She did and we found out that she was adopted and in America somewhere.

In the eight hours we have been with her, she has shown she, likes things in their place, knows what she wants, likes to draw, has a sweet voice, has a voracious appetite, is very busy looking at everything we brought for her to play with and wants to hold both of our hands when walking. We went out to lunch and she organized all of our bowls, plates, cups, chopsticks etc.. When we returned we gave her a bath, she was very comfortable and then we read stories, ang songs and have a rest time as per her routine in the orphanage. She laid quitely for probably 1 and a half hours before falling asleep. We all slept and have been coloring/playing and now we will go find some shoes that fit. Back out into the furnace.

We are amazed that this is real and can't wait to get back home - we miss our kids bunches!!!
M and T


Unknown said...

Wow! I can't believe you actually have her! It doesn't seem real to me. It sounds like the transition is going smoothly;that is awesome!! The pictures are great and it's so fun to see you with her. It's in the 80's here--just perfect. Gotta get to you all!! kr

Unknown said...

Congrats on making it trough the first day. The pictures are wonderful, and it sounds like Amy is a very sweet little girl. Mark, I am sorry to hear you weren't able to buy that $90 shirt, as I am sure it would have enhanced both the photos, and the twinkle in Amy's eyes when she saw you in the Caddilac of all shirts for the first time. Ok, I have to run. I am off to Boise this morning and need to get to the airport soon. It's like a furnace down there, too, 96 degrees, but I am pretty sure the humidity will be quite a bit less than 94%. Blessing to the three of you. MR

Unknown said...

Mark, Teri & Amy...this gramma has such tears of joy for you three..what joy...I am ALMOST speechless...holding your hands, sitting in your lap..almost too much to take in. the pictures are just awesome. This seems like a match made in Heaven!!!

lbrandkamp said...

Incredible! What a wonderful joy to see your new dauther. Thanks for sharing a little of what you are experiencing. I love reading (and seeing) this through your eyes as you walk through these first few days. Lynne

krisi said...

Dear Mom and Dad and Amy,
We can't believe this is happening---We love and miss you and can't wait for you to come home!
Lucy, Matt and Jack

Hey--let us know when you talk if you can.

We are sooo happy to hear of the great first few hours together! We lots!ove you!


Swegle said...

Congratulations!! We are so excited for your family! We loved getting to see the pictures. Miss Amy sure seems like a sweetie! We can't wait to meet her. Enjoy your time and we will see you soon.

Dimmels6 said...

Welcome to the family, Amy!!! The Dimmels6 also wish they could be adopted by the Everett family. You two must be functioning on fumes right now. We're glad you're all able to nap together. The pictures are adorable. Thank you for making your story fun for all of us. We can't wait to meet Amy in person. Love, The Dimmels

Tricia Anastasio said...

Hi Teri and Mark, I am so happy and excited for you and the rest of your family. I hope you have a great trip and a safe return home to the family who obviously cannot wait to see you and meet their new sister!

Dana said...

Its soooo great that you can share these moments & emotions with us as they are so fresh. I am really enjoying your adventure & am so VERY happy for all of you. We are on the edge of our sets for the next blog!!!

Be safe & enjoy!!

XooX Dana