Sunday, July 13, 2008

Shopping Adventure

We arrived at the Guangzhou airport in time to get tickets and do a little window shopping. My choice was the Adidas golf shop. We entered the store and I found a shirt pleasing to the eye. As the price tag was not prominently placed, I asked the price and they quoted a very low price with little certainty in their voices. I liked the price and the store attendant chose a size XL and led me to try it on. Size XL was too small. ( Hey, they size things differently in China -I am a L/XL flip flopper in the US because I am tall). I advised the sales clerk. Within seconds all 6 female attendants were looking for size XXL. A moment later it was determined that there was no XXL in my desired style. In a flash a major sales offensive was underway with 6 women bringing size XXL in many styles all urging me to try on. As I was being rushed back to the fitting room I gave a directive to Teri to "make sure on the price!!". I could see that the clerk activity level was rising in both pace and volume. I came out of the fitting fit.. size XXL for me?...With the real price calculated - of $90.00USD..."so sorry...No thank you," we politely declined.. As we left the store I cast one quick look back toward the shop to see 6 clerks looking wounded and maybe a bit disgruntled with the XXL American.

Olympic activity is building and I had my picture taken in front of these Table Tennis super stars. Time to switch sports kids... Ping Pong players have status like our basketball and football players in the US with far fewer injuries I'm sure.

The hotels are beautiful and the English translations of signs in the airport are amusing as they try to communicate with us in our language.

In spite of arriving at the Wuhan airport with a small hiccup, our guide Zoe is very warm, sweet, energetic and excited to help. She and Teri are getting along famously. The communication is interestesting, but we are managing just fine! Zoe walked us to a four story mall/supermarket to buy some essentials: bottled water, snacks - (our western options were Doritos and Oreos)... and pop (but no diet coke.... can she do it?)

We will see Amy this morning at 10 AM. We are so excited!!

The weather here makes Houston in August seem like the Oregon Coast in May. The high today was 96 F and 94% humidity, and as I write now at midnight it is 82F with 94% humidity. No need for Oil of O'Lay. Zoe described Wuhan as the "fire city."


Joan said...

I can't wait to see pics of Amy! Praying she transitions well to your family. Enjoy your time with her in Wuhan.

krisi said...

Dear Mom and Dad,
I am loving reading of your adventures in China--I had a great time on my backpacking trip! I can't wait to see you on the webcam. Matt

Dear Mark and Teri, We're thinking about you guys and praying for you especially today! We do so love reading of your stories together. E-mail us a time to communicate and we can do it here at camp with of the staff's computers. Let us know a good time and we'll keep checking.


Unknown said... are now tasting the world!! of the Orient! SO glad Teri, you are clicking with your guide Zoe..such an exciting time..we wait with such joy for you as your time to meet Amy will happen soon, we think..Keeping you in constant prayers!!! & dad

Terry said...

In just a few hours Amy will be with her forever family, yahoo!!!!!!! We are praying for you through this new and exciting time for both you and Amy. Karl is jealous he is not there with you.

masra 41 said...

hello, wishing you well in wuhan tomorrow meeting your new daughter. a heads up, on shopping, as we were in wuhan several weeks ago. the things we purchased were alot cheaper once you get to guangzhou. i am thinking mainly the turquoise factory if you go there. it was way hot also, and surprisingly cooler in guangzhou. have a nice time in china
the fraser family